Monday, September 29, 2014

Your place or mine? Dilemmas in collaboration...

September in CNY has brought amazing blue skies, seasonably warm temperatures, and  sunsets that are does seem, however that my overly ambitious goals (I know that now) for that same month have fell way short despite great intentions, a positive outlook, and a retro RV that accompanies me as "MsLindy the Bookmobile" on many visits.

Visit to Grade 6-Woodland Elem!

The Pine Grove Library is still on the move--literally and figuratively due to our students being relocated to 6 locations for the next 2 years due to a major building renovation.  By now I had hoped for the library program to be richly embedded (or on its way) in multiple curricular areas,  rich with student leadership, energized with technology, and moving in new and unchartered directions.  Yup, that's was the plan.   We WERE there last year.

The reality--have had a few genuine partnerships,  still trying to figure out how to make our iStaff program fit the new model, technology for students is currently sparse, and oh yes, we are moving in new directions, for sure, but so much more ground to cover!

I know (thanks to reminders from master, Dave Lankes :) that a library is MORE than a physical space that houses STUFF....but balancing the needs of a place to plan, meet with students, create, make, teach, collaborate, explore in multiple locations (5 existing and staffed libraries that I "share" and one space that is "all mine" with seating for 3 and space for about 6) is much harder to coordinate than I anticipated....

    When in doubt, don a Parrot Suit and
    make people smile at Open House. I did.
  • What teams meet when?  Which of the 6 buildings should I go to?   How do I make my days high impact AND efficient?   What do I let go?
  • I know I can lead virtually, but what must happen face to face to be effective across a campus?
  • Should a "no response" for collaboration be considered "not interested, thanks" or "so busy I would love your input, but don't have time to make it happen"
  • Should I go deeper with fewer or provide more surface support with more partners/classes?
  • Does open access to the library space at one spot trump instruction at another location?
  • I can't host, organize, initiate, take the lead from "my own space" so what do I need to consider to do it another space?   
Lots of new territory for sure...lots of miles added and lots of decisions to be considered as I (we) make the powerful connections that students deserve.....

To remind myself it hasn't been an epic fail of a month, some new and unexpected directions:

  • Food truck unit in collaboration with a FACS teacher colleague has taken off like crazy!
  • STEAM field trip in conjunction with long term study on Onondaga Lake offered some amazing hands on learning; more to follow
  • A discussion on wellness/fitness prompted 3 of us to submit a grant for snowshoes!
  • Traffic in the "library-ette" made me realize space for working was as important as space for books;  now balancing both with offsite storage
  • Student feedback about roles for what they can do is shedding light on some iStaff program options
  • Proximity between schools & great weather allowed me to walk to guest speaker (Owl Lady in conjunction with HOOT for Grade 6!)
  • Partnered with parent volunteers to add support to our Pre-K building library

Oh yeah and the sunsets are still absolutely unreal.....till next time..... still have the lemon; lemonade not quite perfected....

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